Software Stories

Enterprise Software Integrations – Part I: Buying It!

Buying third-party software rarely goes exactly as planned. Most of us aren’t trained for it, I certainly never took a class in college on how-to buy software, yet many of us may find ourselves involved in a software purchase. This is a story from 2014 about integrating enterprise software while I was at Wayfair, taking you through the journey of procurement, MVP, expansion, and long-term support.

What do Wayfair Transportation engineers do? What are these integrations you need?

So Wayfair is a website that sells furniture right? What’s so hard about that?

They sell furniture yes, but let me ask you a quick question, when was the last time UPS dropped a brand new vanity off on your front door? …Probably never. The truth is, shipping what’s called “large parcel” goods across a large geography like the United States is incredibly complicated. 

One complicated component of shipping large goods is in the “home delivery” segment of the journey. If you’ve ever bought large furniture, you probably either A) rented your own truck, grabbed some friends, and slowly struggled to get it into your home or B) you had a company deliver it for you and they probably had to bring it into your home and put it in a room and maybe even help assemble it. If it was option B you also probably had to schedule a date and time window of when that delivery would be made and you had to be home. Maybe they were late and you missed them or they broke your lamp installing the furniture and told you tough luck. When you think about all that goes into delivering furniture: reservation dates, route planning accounting for time to bring things into people’s homes, managing the fleet of delivery trucks, customer experience, you find yourself with a very complex problem space. 

In the past Wayfair outsourced this problem to partners who ran the last-mile delivery operations for us, but the problem was they weren’t very good at it. Customer satisfaction was low, there was almost no visibility into how efficient the route planning was (it wasn’t) and so they spent more money than necessary, and had no ability to schedule deliveries in advance (couldn’t ensure these delivery partners could fulfill on customer promises). It was clear that the right business decision was to bring these operations in-house. That decision was made and so the task of supporting it was brought to my team in engineering. The problem: managing all of these operations requires fairly sophisticated software, AND…Wayfair had already signed the lease on its first building.

The Build vs. Buy Conundrum

Wayfair has a large, incredibly talented team of engineers, in fact technology is a competitive advantage for the company. Sometimes though, what we want to do is incredibly ambitious, and we gain a huge advantage by getting it out the door quickly. As we looked over the laundry list of features that needed to exist to make this delivery operation work (optimal route planning/fleet management/delivery reservations) we realized that it would be a monumental effort to build this all ourselves. Our unfamiliar team would need months if not years to build it all to scale. So we figured out which parts made sense to build ourselves and for the rest, somewhat reluctantly, looked to the software market for help.

What do we need?

After our product managers did some research, we ended up looking at four vendors. Two of them were eliminated right away after a couple intro calls, as we realized they didn’t fulfill all of our cases. So, we had driven down to two finalists:

            Descartes Systems Group: The big guy, one of the leaders in the space with a mature product and several large, well known clients. Very enterprisey, ugly-looking software but seemed to do the job. More expensive. Less leverage in negotiations

            DispatchTrack: A small start-up in the space. New flashy UI/UX, but not as tried and true. Cheaper, looking for their first big client and highly willing to negotiate.

This was my first integration project as a tech-lead. Suddenly I had to evaluate these vendors and help choose the right one. I was nervous. I spent the days leading up to these demos researching “questions to ask when buying software”:

  • What APIs exist 
  • How do I use them (SOAP, REST, FTP)
  • What does their documentation cover
  • API response time
  • Cloud or on-prem
  • How many concurrent connections can it handle
  • What environments exist (dev/sandbox/QA) 
  • What redundancy exists in their platform 
  • Have they tested failover procedures regularly
  • How often is the system patched
  • How long does it go down for during updates

Descartes was kind enough to give us a 300-page pdf, documenting all of their APIs, for my enjoyment. I printed it out and read through the whole thing so I had a good starting place with them. I was determined not to miss anything. Of course, hindsight… I would’ve asked some other questions, not just of the vendors, but of ourselves:

  • What can we and what can we not configure in the system? What will we need to configure?
  • Can we access the database directly? Will we need to?
  • Can you do a demo of a high-load? How much volume will we need to pump through this?

We started evaluating. Having several day-long presentations is rough, there’s so much material to cover and of course we don’t want to miss anything. Meanwhile the sales folks from these vendors want to make sure we see all of the “cool stuff” their products can do, eschewing conversation on some of the important topics like security and resiliency. We had to be sure we got all of the information we needed for making a decision.

How much does it cost?

There are two big categories of cost in buying software. The obvious, visible cost of the software itself, and the hidden cost of your own teams integrating it, which also drives the time-to-market. There’s a common misconception that when you buy software, you just “plug it into your system” and everything’s good to go. I wish it were that easy. The cost of buying a harder-to-integrate piece of software is engineering’s responsibility to surface.

When it came to this delivery product, we already had a ton of custom software Wayfair had built over the years. Integrating a new product into all of these existing complex systems and workflows would be no easy task. When evaluating the cost of integration, we had to be thorough:

  • What documentation is available and how robust is it?
  • What is the breadth of available APIs?
  • What communication methods can we use?
  • How much implementation support will the vendor provide?
  • What environments are available to develop in?

The list goes on, but these all ultimately determine how easy a vendor is to work with. 

From the answers we got, we had a strong sense that we would be forced to code our way around DispatchTrack’s system in order to get our desired behavior. Despite DispatchTrack being significantly cheaper, we estimated that we could get an MVP out into the wild 2-3 months quicker with Descartes, and the cost of delay drastically outweighed the initial software savings. We successfully made this case and went with Descartes!

So we’ve bought some software

The hard part is over, we’ve gone through the grueling evaluation and decision-making process and finally have our shiny new software. Job well done. Now, it’s time to figure out how to integrate the product. The first rule, how do we make contact with reality as quickly as possible! 

Thanks for reading! Part two will be all about building an “MVP” and how we managed business’ expectations.

Engineering Management

Technology and Innovation Panel

In January 2019 I spoke to an audience of over a thousand students and retail industry veterans on Technology and Innovation, and my role as a Software leader.

Engineering Management

Setting a Code Review Culture

Doing code reviews is crucial for any successful engineering team, but without being given care it is easy for the process to devolve into one of stress and hurt feelings. As an engineering leader it’s well worth your time to encourage a culture of respect and professionalism towards code reviews. Outlined below is a way to frame this to your engineering team.

Treat each other with respect

Bringing respect to code reviews means being thoughtful and empathetic on both ends, reviewer and reviewee.

  • As a reviewee- you should assume good intent on the part of your reviewer. The reviewer wants to help you make the best decisions for our team and our code base. They have taken time away from their own priorities to contribute to the improvement of the team’s systems. Your initial reaction to comments may be “this is a waste of time, this is nitpicky and not a big deal, this is dumb”, etc. but challenge yourself to take a step back and see your reviewer not as an adversary, but as a partner in the effort to make smart engineering decisions. Everyone who is reviewing code has a chance to add context, provide knowledge, and illuminate risks, and should never be immediately disregarded.
  • As a reviewer- you should assume the reviewee is not stupid. Sometimes simple mistakes are made, anyone who says they’ve never made a simple mistake is either lying to themselves or has never written any substantial code. You should never treat a mistake with condescension or disdain. Additionally, you should recognize that in this profession there is rarely a single right answer on how to do something. Building systems is a series of tradeoffs – time, complexity, performance, cleanliness, etc. Your immediate reaction to seeing a review may be “that’s bad that’s not how I would have done this”. Challenge yourself to take a step back and consider the tradeoffs the reviewee may have made, and consider if in their shoes you can clearly say that it was the wrong decision. 

So what’s this mean?

  • As a reviewee-
    • Don’t be a jerk – if someone leaves a comment you don’t agree with, consider it an opportunity for a discussion, to learn from and build stronger ties to your peers.
    • Don’t just drop someone’s comments. Give the reviewer the respect they deserve and not only think critically about the comments they’ve provided you, but also talk to them and learn why they wrote them. If you’re totally positive this is not a comment that needs to be resolved, reply and clearly explain why. Admit that you could be wrong and welcome a discussion if they want one prior to dropping.
  • As a reviewer-
    • Don’t be a jerk – If there’s time to write a comment then there’s time to make sure the comment isn’t antagonistic
    • Ask probing questions without an ego. Assume the reviewee has thought about the problem at least as much as you have.
    • Offer your availability to talk things through. – Don’t just leave some comments and run, treat leaving a comment as an invitation for a discussion. You are not an all-knowing code wizard, and just as a reviewee might make mistakes, you might make mistakes in your review.

Some tactical suggestions

  • As a reviewee-
    • Provide a good overview that contains context on what the patch is for, and if there is additional context e.g. “this is a quick scrappy MVP that we don’t plan to use long-term“ or “this is the new architecture pattern we are trying out to see how well it works”, etc
    • Make your code understandable – many miscommunications happen because it’s not clear what the code is doing, be careful about unnecessary complexity.
    • If what you’re doing is so complex that it’s hard to understand if you didn’t write it, then add descriptive, well-written comments to your code
  • As a reviewer-
    • Don’t leave comments that are simple assertions e.g. “use foo.go() not foo.start()”. Your comments should be teaching opportunities e.g. “Based on what you’re trying to do here, to make foo go, you might want to use foo.go() instead of foo.start(), foo.start() does not do the {go subroutine} which based on the overview it seems you want”
    • Point to good examples to help support better understanding. 
    • Try not to harp too much on code style (whitespace, newlines indentation).

On a final note, building a culture is hard. To get this to stick you should reinforce the message in meetings with your team. Encourage every engineer to call out instances of disrespectful review behavior.